T: 087 9828611
Craniosacral Therapy
Facial Reflexology
Couple Coaching
I have been practicing Craniosacral Therapy (CST), since training with the Upledger Institute in 2009.
During the past 10 years I have developed an interest in women’s wellbeing. This emerged from a pattern of treating women who had experienced trauma and who found the strength to rebuild their lives. It is a privilege to support someone who decides to take steps to live fully again.
More recently I have trained in Reflexology and Facial Reflexology along with ongoing training in Reflexology for Menopause. At a time when we as a community can finally acknowledge the word ‘menopause’, many women are still struggling to find information and support. It is my hope that I can be a support by offering treatments that will ease this transition, and also, create a community where information, encouragement, friendship and healing can be found.
As a holistic therapist, I have explored various therapeutic approaches in order to support a client’s return to health. For many years while practicing Cranio Sacral Therapy, I finished a treatment with a foot massage and noticed how clients went into a deeper state of relaxation. I later qualified in Foot, Facial and Baby Reflexology.
Cranio Sacral Therapy is a specialised field of alternative medicine. It supports regulation of the nervous system and allows conditions resulting from stress and trauma to resolve. Our bodies are the stories of our lives, holding tension and imprints of memories. CST enhances the body’s natural healing processes and encourages it to let go of the negative impact of life’s pressures – mentally, physically and emotionally.
Foot Reflexology ~
The ancient practice of Reflexology stems from Zone Therapy. It is deeply restorative. As our feet mirror our body systems, applying gentle pressure to a reflex in the foot causes a response in the body, stimulating rebalancing. The feet are perfect for accessing a whole-body treatment, from the cranial nerves, skeletal system, organs and nervous system.
Facial Reflexology ~
We have all heard the phrase “you look stressed”. Just as feet give the therapist an insight into a client’s lifestyle, the face too offers a map of what is going on inside the body. Facial reflexology promotes a deep feeling of relaxation as it increases vagal tone. It is a very calming, soothing treatment, promoting sleep and reducing anxiety and stress.
Baby Reflexology ~
A reflexology treatment for baby is comforting and calming. Gently massaging reflex points on a baby’s feet can bring relief to digestive issues, improve circulation, relieve congestion and boost the immune system.
Treatments may qualify under private health insurance schemes